Thursday, September 8, 2011

everyday is a new day.

I would like to start off by giving a shout out to Devanne my sweet cousin (who read my blog to her class!! How cool is that!? :] ), Daylene another sweet cousin, my Mama Bear that I love so dearly, my Daddy-o that I love just as much, Kaleb another sweet cousin, Mrs. Price one of the most respectable teachers I have every learned from, Jackie E. my homegirl mentor and friend, and Caiti one amazing friend. All of your kind encouraging words have kicked me in the ass and inspired me to get myself out there. Thank you all so much.

Once I got here the thought crossed my mind that I might be expecting too much of myself, after this past summer full of emotional events. It was an amazing summer, don't get me wrong - I don't need a pity party or anything. For a while now I have been securely insecure about my belief in God, and Christianity (meaning I've been ok with the fact that I have no clue how I feel about this powerful being we call God, and this 'community' we call Christianity). It's been a while since I've been able to call God my friend, but oddly I was ok with that. This experience has really jump started me into finding comfort in Him/Her, and for the first time in a long time I feel like I can actually pray.

You know most Christians talk about prayer often.. and I mean every three seconds they are offering to pray for or with you. Honestly I find that completely overwhelming. It's like people have turned into prayer sluts. Which is cool, but it's not my style. I find it hard to pray to a God that I struggle to grasp the concept of, and I find it refreshing to be in a place where my walls are down and I have found comfort in Him/Her. I feel weird even saying that - cause if you know me, you know this is weird coming out of my mouth. I don't expect for my prayers to be answered immediately, or ever even. But I found myself praying for a friend yesterday, and sure enough an opportunity arose and I made a new friend. Now I still question whether that was coincidence or not, but perhaps I'll side with this powerful force we call God for once.

Things are looking up, hopefully by my next post I will have gone on a grand adventure.


LCC International University Campus!

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